When hosting a speaking or workshop event, you need a facilitator who will engage with your audience and deliver information and strategies that are practical and achievable. Knowing that the content is based on the latest scientific information and delivered in a personable and understandable way is crucial for the success of your event.

Dr Jo Lukins is a highly acclaimed and awarded conference and seminar speaker. Applauded for her warm conversational style, she has extensive professional experience built on a foundation of academic knowledge. Dr Jo understands that the key to a great presentation is an engaging delivery through stories and practical examples, with a take-home message to facilitate learning and growth. 

From small group workshops to a full auditorium keynote, your presentation will be tailored to your audience's interests to offer an interesting, engaging presentation and a catalyst for change.

Discover the most popular recent seminar topics below.

To contact about your event and tailoring a presentation for your audience, contact here.

  • The Secrets of Success: Achieving your Personal Best

    Positive Psychology is the science of what goes well in life.  For individuals, team and organisations seeking to find the edge to be their best, positive psychology unlocks some of the keys to success and flourishing.

    The Model of Peak Performance was developed by Dr Jo Lukins and serves to understand the higher functions of life, including happiness, success, meaning, achievement, and fulfillment.

    Communication is central and focuses on your communication with others, and within yourself. How you choose to speak to yourself and interact with others is central to success in your life.

    Creativity is the foundation of inspiration and motivation.  Finding ways to do things differently, challenging the traditional methods and include spark into new solutions is a key to success.

    Systems are the basis for getting things done efficiently and effectively.  Every individual, team and organization needs effective systems to achieve your goals.

    Accomplishments are the goals set for success.  Spending time reflecting upon what has gone well and what is still to be worked towards is an optimal framework for achievement.

    Resilience is the ability to bounce forward from disappointment.  Strategies to absorb the discomfort and move forward constructively and positively is crucial to ongoing success.

    - Understand how the model of peak performance fits into everyday success.

    - Learn the key elements that will be most beneficial for you to be working on now

    - Discover tools to think about your success and prioritise your next step.

    - Commit to the actions you need to take now.

    - Plan how you will review and accelerate your progress.

  • The Successful Organisation: Understanding the ‘how’ of Peak Performance

    There are many factors that contribute to the success of a team or organization.  In addition to being clear on the values and ‘why’ of an organization it is valuable to spend time considering how peak performance is best achieved with a group.

    - Understand the predictors of peak performance within a team/organisation

    - Learn how to take greater control of how you think and what you do.

    - Discover the pathways to thriving, particularly what to do when circumstances ‘throw you a curveball’

    - Commit to your plan and develop innovation that will work in your future.

    - Plan how you will monitor your continued success and troubleshoot when things need to change.

  • Bouncing Forward: Thriving through Challenges

    Part of growth and moving forward is fully embracing a challenge when it presents itself.  This workshop has a clear focus on the advantages of a disappointment and developing strategies to be better despite any setbacks.

    - Understand the upside of a disappointment.

    - Learn how to reframe distraction or failure into an ‘upside’ for you.

    - Discover how it’s not what happens to you, but how you deal with it.

    - Commit to the strategies offered and find a way to manage challenges better.

    - Plan how you can be better and strategies to review your progress moving forward.

  • Mindset Dominance: Thinking Better, Achieving More

    The Science of Optimism and a Growth Mindset.  The last 20 years of research are unequivocal – the way you think matters.  People who choose to think in a way that is helpful, hopeful and positive are more likely to reach their potential.  Not to mention they will be happier for doing so!  Further, the way you conceptualise a task –whether you have a fixed mindset and your abilities have limits or you have a growth mindset and you have potential is a key predictor of your success.  This seminar challengesyou to:

    - Understand the science and principles of an optimistic mindset.

    - Learn the difference between a growth and fixed mindset and it’s potential.

    - Discover strategies to facilitate optimism and a growth mindset.

    - Commit to how you willintegrate these skills into your life.

    - Plan how you will assess and reflect on your learning and changes.

  • Esteemed Leadership: Inspiring and Leading Your Team

    Without influence, leaders will rarely get the most from their teams and themselves.  Leaders need to influence and inspire those who work above, below and alongside them. 

    - Understand the tools for influencing and where they should be implemented.

    - Learn your style for influencing and inspiring others.

    - Discover the strategies to utilize the right technique with the right person and the right time to maximise your capacity to achieve and lead.

    - Commit to the changes your team require of you to be the best leader you can be.

    - Plan your strategy to improve and develop as a leader of inspiration

  • Reflective Leadership: Your Leadership Formula

    Reflective Leadership is an approach to leadership that requires presence and personal mastery.  This is a leadership approach that understand that we lead through our relationships.  How we lead, how we interact, how we resolve conflict, and how we provide feedback all directly influence our staff members’ experience of their work.  Reflective leadership includes a deliberate examination and critique of our experiences in order to build new learnings, to understand, and to find solutions to the challenges.

    - Understand the key components of reflective leadership.

    - Learn how trust, communication, accountability and team building will enhance your teams and improve the performance of the group.

    - Discover the skills you need to further develop your ability to constructively ‘look in the mirror’

    - Commit to practical changes you can adopt to further develop your leadership strengths

    - Plan your path to grow as a leader and commit to ongoing improvement.

  • Contagious Mood: Understanding and Developing your Emotional Intelligence

    Your emotional intelligence is the essence of how you perceive, understand, express and manage your emotions.  As social beings, high emotional intelligence results in better mental health, social behaviour and performance outcomes.  Importantly it is our emotions that drives our behaviour, and your emotional intelligence is something that can be enhancedand developed.

  • The Art of Conversation: Delivering Your Message, Effectively.

    The ability to communicate effectively is an essential skill.  Communication is a dynamic process and how well it is done will impact positively or negatively on relationships through your life.  

    - Understand the fundamentals of effective communication

    - Learn the importance of honest communication, empathically delivered

    - Discover strategies to enhance your conversations, particularly the ‘tricky’ ones

    - Commit to 3 key techniques to enhance and improve your communication

    - Plan how to monitor and measure your communication effectiveness.

  • Accelerating Your Strengths: Insight and Growth

    Successful leaders understand their strengths and understand their limitations. ... Self-aware leaders play to their strengths, this allows them to focus their time and energy where they can contribute maximum value. Knowing their strengths helps leaders develop confidence in their abilities and perform to their potential.

    - Understand the importance of understanding your strengths in your professional development.

    - Learn the key character strengths and how they relate to performance

    - Discover your strengths and how you can best utilize them in relation to your goals

    - Commit to exploring new potential developments of your strengths 

    - Plan how you will review and develop your strengths over time.

  • Mental Wellness: The Recipe for Wellbeing

    Social and emotional wellbeing is essential for overall health and wellbeing.  With such wellbeing, every individual can realise their abilities, cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and contribute and strive in a satisfying way.  With the importance of mental distress in the workplace, a positive approach to educating and facilitating positive mental health is critical to a healthy team or organization.

    - Understand the elements of positive mental wellbeing

    - Learn the link between mental wellbeing and high performance

    - Discover the simple steps you can take to strengthen your mental wellness 

    - Commit to the changes you need to make and maintainfor your wellness

    - Plan how you can reflect and monitor your overall wellbeing.

How to make your training event a success.

The decision to undertake a training initiative with your team or staff is a considerable investment of time and resources. Therefore you want to ensure you are maximizing the opportunities to learn and develop towards your goals.

Prior to undertaking training and education sessions with your team it is critical that I have an understanding of what is important to you, what you see as the key outcomes and that I can offer suggestions as to how the training might be tailored to maximise the opportunity.


To achieve this, the training model I have found that works best is when it incorporates:


  1. Understanding – of the key information
  2. Learning – the most important concepts and how they relate
  3. Discovering – the strategies to undertake and facilitate change
  4. Commitment – to what changes might be implemented and how that might occur
  5. Planning – how to measure the degree of change that has been undertaken following the training.


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