Organizations, leaders, and teams all strive to perform at their best and feel fulfilled by their achievements. While you've accomplished much in your life, you recognize there are untapped possibilities and capabilities within you. You can achieve your goals and reach new heights with the right guidance.
Dr. Jo Lukins offers tailored solutions to develop your potential in ways that align with your style. With extensive experience working with individuals, teams, and organizations, she customizes delivery methods, skills, and strategies to foster growth and success.
Explore the options available with Dr. Jo and discover a personalized solution to propel you toward your aspirations.
Dr Jo Lukins is a highly acclaimed and awarded conference and keynote speaker. Applauded for her warm conversational style she has extensive professional experience built on a foundation of academic knowledge. Jo understands that the key to a great presentation is an engaging delivery through stories and practical examples, with a take home message to facilitate learning and growth.
You, your organisation and your teams will have specific goals and targets that will measure your success. A tailored program will assist you to understand and clarify your needs, determine the best strategies and modes of delivery for you, and an ongoing commitment and planning for continued success.
With ten years delivering programs to the Australian Defence Force, Dr Jo invites defence personnel to know more of her programs for delivery to your Unit or Brigade.
Written in a conversational style, Dr Jo has published four books sharing some of her favourite lessons and learnings.
Online learning opportunities offer you a self-paced, flexible delivery option to further develop your skills in the comfort of your office or home.